◄ vissza


curriculum vitae

magyar változat
Name: Gábor Födő
Place and date of birth: Budapest, 25.09.1974
Address: H-1237 Budapest, Mezőlak utca 21. HUNGARY
Mobil: +36 20 516-9430
E-mail: info@fodogabor.com


2000–2005 University of Fine Arts, Department of Graphics
masters: Róbert König, Imre Kocsis
1998-1999 Ars Hungarica Art School, Department of Graphics,
master: József Szurcsik
1997-1998 Ars Hungarica Art School, Department of Painting,
master: József Baksai
1996-1997 Novus Art School, Department of Painting,
master: József Baksai
1993-1995 Vocational High School of Handicraft, Department of Porcelain Painting

competitions, prizes

2009-2010 K&H grant.
2005 Member of the Association of Hungarian Graphic Artists
2005 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Corvin Award
2005 6th National Grotesque Fine Arts, Applied Arts and Photographic Competition Award by the Association of Hungarian Graphic Artists
2004 XXII. Miskolci Grafikai Biennále, Eger Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzatának díja
2002 Csepel Biennale of Fine and Applied Arts, graphics prize
1995 Budapest Művelődési Központ, Month of Visual Arts, graphics prize
1994 Gaál Imre Gallery, prize of fine arts
1992-1993 Csepel local government poster competition, first prize


2010 „Dad, are you going to school?” Klauzál 13 Gallery, Budapest, independent exhibition
2010 Cafe Eklektika, Budapest, independent exhibition
2010 „Cekker”, Polis Caffé Culturale, Hybrid Art&Cafe
2010 „Biciklus”, Csepel Gallery, Budapest
2010 No title, Christa Wenzl Collection, French Institute, Budapest
2009 „Plastic Fantastic”, Ferenczi and Co. Auction House and Gallery, Budapest
2008 Cafe Eklektika, Budapest, independent exhibition
2008 M-ARS Der Kunstsupermarkt, Vienna, Austria
2007 M-ARS Der Kunstsupermarkt, Vienna, Austria
2006 23rd Graphic Arts Biennale of Miskolc
2006 „Mirage”, Exhibition by the Graphic Artists’ Camp of Makó, Gallery 2B, Budapest
2005 „Without TATE”, Tűzraktár, Budapest
2005 6th National Grotesque Fine Arts, Applied Arts and Photographic Competition, Kaposvár
2004 Csepel Biennale of Fine and Applied Arts, Csepel Gallery, Budapest
2004 Graphic Artists’ Camp of Makó, „Some Time” exhibition, Makó
2004 Stationary Ship „Forward” Peripheric Cultural and Sports Centre, Budapest,
independent exhibition
2004 22nd Biennal Exhibition of Graphic Art Miskolc
2004 Majdnem Gallery, Budapest,
exclusive exhibition
2004 Simon Arts + Crafts, Bécs - Ausztria
2003 Ateliers Pro Arts Gallery / A.P.A. Galéria, Budapest
2003 17th Winter Exhibition, Miskolc
2003 4th National Colour Print Graphical Exhibition /Screen Prints, Szekszárd
2002 Centro manifestazioni I Grappoli, Sessa, Switzerland
2002 Csepel Biennale of Fine and Applied Arts, Csepel Gallery, Budapest
2002 „Semi-finished Disasters” – 5th National Grotesque Competition, Kaposvár
2002 17th National Summer Exhibition in Debrecen
2002 Puskin Gallery, Budapest
2002 Szabó Ervin Library, Budapest
2002 Bárka Theatre, Budapest
2001 ReneszEánsz Contemporary Gallery, Budapest,
exclusive exhibition
2001 Bárka Theatre, Budapest
1998 Szabó Ervin Library, Királyerdei Művelődési Ház Csepel, independent
exclusive exhibition
1998 Vajda Lajos Gallery, Szentendre
telefon: +36-20-516-9430 / email: info@fodogabor.com
födő gábor
Készítette: Kiss Attila Csongor (+36-30-539-4454)